Camisens Inspiring Minds
~5 mins read

Maintain Document types and assign number ranges


This blog walks you through determining and configuring the document type and assigning number ranges in detail for a FICA document. 

Document types differentiate different business transactions. The number ranges assigned to them also control the way documents are stored. During document posting, the system determines the document number from these number ranges.

Transaction used for displaying document: FPE3



To configure Document type and number ranges, go to the transaction FICAIMG and navigate to the below-highlighted node. 


Here we can maintain different document types and number ranges in the below displayed window. 

  • To add a new document type to the list, click on the 'New Entries' button.
  • The 'Application area' is defaulted as a Utility company.
  • Provide 'Document Type, Description and Number range'(determine the document number from these number ranges)
  • Select the ‘Not Manually’ button if we want to prevent manual posting using this document type. Example: For invoice documents, Not Manually option is checked as we can’t post any invoice document using the FPE1 transaction


Once entered data in the required fields, click on the save button.


As mentioned above this is the way a document is determined. The number ranges would be the same whenever we post a FICA document using the document type.  


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