Camisens Inspiring Minds
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In FICA, to determine the G/L Account, the main and sub-transactions are defined and then used different posting areas to determine the G/L account.

  • Main Transaction- Determination of receivables and payables accounts.
  •  Sub Transaction- controls revenue account determination, determination of the tax determination code, and information about any additional accounts.
  • GL Account To provide a comprehensive picture of external accounting and accounts.

Based on the requirement we need to configure the main and sub-transactions in the system. In SAP, Main and sub-transactions are already maintained for some standard functionality (Invoice, Payment, Returns, Reverse, Security deposit etc.).

Maintain Main Transaction

Go to SPRO/FICAIMG transaction. Select "Maintain Main Transaction" using the following path.

Financial Accounting (New) Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Basic Functions Postings and Documents Maintain Document Assignments Maintain Main Transactions.


Click on the “New Entries” button to create a new main transaction.


Give the Application area, Main transaction and description based on the requirement. Click on “Save”.


We can see the entries here and table TFKHVO as well.


Maintain Sub Transaction

Select "Maintain Sub Transaction" using the following path.

Financial Accounting (New) Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Basic Functions Postings and Documents Maintain Document Assignments Maintain Sub Transactions.


Click on the “New Entries” button.


Give the Application area, Main transaction, Sub transaction and description based on the requirement. Click on “Save”.


We can see the entries here and table TFKTVO as well.


Maintain Attributes per Company code and Division and Debit/Credit indicator

Select the “Maintain Transaction for charges” using the below path.

Financial Accounting (New) Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Basic Functions Postings and Documents Maintain Document AssignmentsMaintain Transaction for ISU Maintain Transaction for Charges.


Click on “New Entries”. We need to maintain the Entry for the new Main and Sub transactions.

  • Enter the company code and division (If required). For example, based on the requirement, we need to post the credit/debit to the contract level instead of the contract account. So, we need to add the division also with the main, sub-transaction.
  • Give the description of the combination of Main/Sub transaction.
  • Enter the Main and sub-transactions which we created now.
  • Under the Account assignment data, choose the Debit and Credit based on the requirement.
  • Select the check box “Manual Posting Allowed”, if you want to use this combination for manual posting (FPE1 transaction).


Click on “Save”. Create another entry for credit. we can use the same method that we used for debit.


Maintain Account Assignment data relevant to Main transactions: Overview(EK01)

If you would like to post the document at the contract level, you can add the division and ADID(Contract level). you can able to post documents/invoices at the contract level(eg: Division dependent).

Here we are posting the document at the contract account level(ADID from CA).

Posting area R000 maps the balance sheet GL A/c against the particular combination of Company Code/Account ID/main Transaction. ADID is used to determine the GL account.

Go to EK01 transaction and click on “Create button”. One popup will come.


Enter the Main GL account and click on “Save”.


Maintain Account Assignment data relevant to transactions: Overview(EK02)

Go to EK02 Transaction and Click on “Create”.

Enter the company code, ADID, Main and Sub transaction and continue(Based on the requirement). Click on "Save". 


In the TFK033D table, the Posting area R000/ R001 and give the Main transaction in KEY04(Technical name).

  • Posting area R000 maps the balance sheet GL A/c against the particular combination of Company Code/division/Account ID/main Transaction.
  • Posting area R001 maps the P&L GL A/c against the particular combination of Company Code/division/Account ID/main Transaction/sub Transaction.


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